The Galicia’s sports platform continues to make strides towards its launch. Teams are resuming their activities, and with that, the opportunity to play the first test matches to calibrate the Artificial Intelligence in each field.
Each field has its own peculiarities (size, distance from the stands, lighting, etc.), and in order to offer the best broadcasts, it is necessary to conduct some test broadcasts.
That is what we started doing on September 6th, 7th, and 8th. We have already begun the first test broadcasts in Lalín, Redondela, Arzúa, Pontedeume, Arteixo, Ribeira, Santa Comba, A Cañiza, Ribadeo, Mugardos, and more.
All the matches were also broadcast on the platform to verify that the integration between automatic production and the broadcasting platform is working with very good results, which makes us very excited about the progress of the project.
Thanks to all the municipalities and teams for their collaboration, support, and interest in the project, and we hope to start testing with clubs and fans soon to finalize all the details.